Discover the World of Exquisite Sri Lanka Gemstones

Introduction to Sri Lanka Gemstones

Sri Lanka, known as the "Gem Island," is one of the world's most significant sources of precious gemstones. For centuries, Sri Lanka has been synonymous with high-quality gems, particularly its vibrant blue sapphires, which are globally revered. The island's unique geological conditions have given rise to a variety of gemstones that are unmatched in color, clarity, and beauty.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of Sri Lankan gemstones, their history, the gem mining process, and how to purchase these exquisite treasures. Whether you are a gem enthusiast, a collector, or someone looking to make an informed purchase, this article will provide you with everything you need to know about Sri Lankan gemstones.

Sri Lanka Gemstones

The Rich History of Gemstones in Sri Lanka

The history of gemstones in Sri Lanka dates back over 2000 years. Ancient texts and folklore describe the island as a land blessed with an abundance of precious stones. The Sinhalese people, who are the native inhabitants of Sri Lanka, have been involved in gem mining for generations. The island was once known as "Ratna-Dweepa," which translates to "Island of Gems" in Sanskrit, highlighting its historical significance in the world of gems.

Sri Lanka's gems have been exported across the world for centuries. The country's strategic location along ancient trade routes made it a key player in the global gemstone market. European royalty, Indian maharajas, and other nobility have adorned themselves with Sri Lankan sapphires and other precious stones, further cementing the island's reputation as a premier source of gemstones.

Types of Gemstones Found in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is home to a wide variety of gemstones, each with its unique characteristics and allure. Some of the most notable gemstones found in Sri Lanka include:

Ceylon Sapphires

Ceylon sapphires, also known as Sri Lankan sapphires, are the most famous gemstones from the island. These sapphires are prized for their vivid blue color, which is often described as cornflower blue. Sri Lankan sapphires are known for their exceptional clarity and brilliance, making them highly sought after in the international market.


Rubies are another precious gemstone found in Sri Lanka. Known for their deep red color, Sri Lankan rubies are considered to be among the finest in the world. These rubies often have a pinkish hue, which adds to their unique appeal.


Alexandrite is a rare and fascinating gemstone that exhibits a color-changing property. Depending on the lighting, alexandrite can appear green, red, or even purple. Sri Lanka is one of the few places in the world where high-quality alexandrite can be found.

Cat's Eye

Cat's eye, also known as chrysoberyl, is a unique gemstone known for its distinct chatoyancy—a phenomenon where a band of light moves across the surface of the stone, resembling a cat's eye. Sri Lankan cat's eye gemstones are highly valued for their clarity and sharp "eye" effect.


Spinel is a gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, including red, pink, blue, and purple. In the past, red spinels were often mistaken for rubies, and some famous "rubies" in royal crowns are actually spinels. Sri Lanka is known for producing vibrant and high-quality spinels.


Tourmaline is a versatile gemstone that comes in a rainbow of colors. Sri Lankan tourmalines are especially prized for their vivid colors and clarity. These gemstones are often used in various types of jewelry, from rings to pendants.

The Gem Mining Process in Sri Lanka

The gemstone mining process in Sri Lanka is both traditional and artisanal, with many miners using age-old methods passed down through generations. The most common method of mining in Sri Lanka is pit mining, where miners dig deep pits to reach gem-bearing gravel layers. This method is labor-intensive and requires a great deal of skill and knowledge to identify and extract valuable gemstones.

In addition to pit mining, Sri Lanka also employs riverbed mining, where gemstones are extracted from river sediments. This method is especially effective during the monsoon season when the flow of water uncovers new gemstone deposits. Once the gems are extracted, they are carefully sorted, cleaned, and cut to enhance their natural beauty.

Sri Lankan gemstone miners are known for their ethical practices and commitment to environmental sustainability. Many mines in Sri Lanka are small-scale, family-owned operations that prioritize the well-being of their workers and the preservation of the environment.

Sri Lanka, often referred to as the "Gem Island," is renowned worldwide for its rich deposits of precious gemstones, particularly the illustrious sapphire. The island’s unique geological conditions have blessed it with an extraordinary variety of gemstones, making Sri Lanka a premier destination for gem enthusiasts and traders alike. Among the most prized of these is the Sri Lanka gemstone sapphire, celebrated for its vibrant colors and exceptional clarity. The country's gem-mining history dates back over 2,000 years, and today, Sri Lanka continues to be a leading source of some of the world's finest sapphires and other gemstones. Whether it’s the deep blues of Ceylon sapphires or the mesmerizing hues of its rarest stones, Sri Lanka's gemstones are a testament to the island's natural wealth and craftsmanship.

How to Buy Authentic Sri Lankan Gemstones

Buying authentic Sri Lankan gemstones requires knowledge and careful consideration. Here are some tips to help you make an informed purchase:

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are purchasing a genuine Sri Lankan gemstone that will be a treasured addition to your collection.


Sri Lanka's rich gemstone heritage makes it a world leader in the production of high-quality gemstones. From the stunning blue sapphires to the rare alexandrites, the island's gemstones are a true testament to the natural beauty of Sri Lanka. Whether you are a gem enthusiast or a collector, Sri Lankan gemstones offer an unparalleled combination of beauty, rarity, and history.

When purchasing gemstones from Sri Lanka, it's essential to do your research and buy from reputable sources. By understanding the different types of gemstones, their characteristics, and the mining process, you can make an informed decision and acquire a piece of Sri Lanka's rich gemological history.